Saturday, February 21, 2015

Water Fast Update

My third day was the hardest. I was exhausted and suffered from bouts of lightheadedness. I didn't post every day as I had planned partly because I'm a terrible person, and partly because I didn't have the energy to stay up past 9:30.

On that Wednesday, my friends and I went to Wind and Sea, and I think I almost died on that beach. I was ready to be food for the crabs and mermaids. But naturally reality's not that romantic so I pushed on, with visions of my death fast-approaching.

Wednesday, as you know, was the Lunar New Year and my family went to a Chinese restaurant in Del Mar. That was a depressing time because I swear everybody enjoyed everything a little too much. Maliciously. Smugly.

I did a whole lot of sipping at iced water, pinky raised delicately in the air, and staring at the ceiling.  But it's good to be tested. Willpower is a muscle that must be exercised, and mine is very sore right now.

On Thursday I broke my fast, although I intended to extend it until Friday, because my family and I were driving up to Julian. Orange juice with a grapefruit juiced in for the lolz was the most delicious fluid to ever pass my lips. Exaggeration? I think not.

I found myself chugging down the stuff with a greed that freaked me out a little. I had to force myself to stop and take smaller sips. That day I had orange juice, lemon and mint tea, dehydrated apple strips, coconut water, and that night, some steamed veggies.

Believe when I say that hot food is a blessing. I almost broke into song at the dinner table.

Now I'm on my juice and raw food diet. My parents got mad at me, so no more fasting for a while. I think they're just jealous because I was more excited about the juicer than I was about the new calculator.

If you do a water fast, expect very low energy levels, dizziness, hunger, cravings, obsession with food (I don't even want to tell you how many youtube videos I watched of people preparing and eating food), and no bowel movement. You feel hella skinny. So clean, and my skin cleared right up. It wasn't too bad to begin with, actually.

Until next time then.

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