Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Water Fast Day 2

First, let me tell you about my day after I left you all yesterday. First I hung out with some friends, who decided to get lunch.

Imagine me. Sitting, surrounded by salads and quiches and sandwiches and fries. I wasn't really hungry, although I did experience bouts of hunger earlier in the day, but boy, did everything smell good.

Then I went to La Jolla Cove with another group of friends. These heartless wenches decided they were in the mood for sushi. I love sushi.

But I stuck to my guns and sipped languidly at my iced water, marveling at my lack of hunger. Oh sure, I wanted to steal all of their sushi, but I didn't feel like I needed it. It's like when you come home and find a massive chocolate cake on the counter. You need that cake, but it's not like you're faint from hunger and literally need that cake.

I began to feel a little tired around 7, so I called it a day and went home, read a little of my Knut Hamsun book, and fell asleep at 9. Let me tell you, it was the greatest sleep of my life.

I woke up feeling very weak. Not sleepy, but physically drained. No hunger, no cravings, but also no energy.

Whatever, I thought. That's normal. But when I reached for my water, my eyes went out of focus and I staggered, knocking almost everything off my table. That was quite disturbing, especially since I spilled all the water on my carpet.

Now, because I have to tutor today (and therefore need to be in control of my body and my mental faculties) I went downstairs and deliberately ate a date and then a banana.

I didn't want to, but I couldn't risk having an episode like this while driving. To compensate, I'll add an extra day on.

But those 6 bites of food were glorious. The Chinese date was sweet, tart, and caramel-y. The banana was rich, decadent, and soooo filling. Too filling. I feel stuffed to the max. I also feel like I could run a marathon. Bloated, but energized. I could actually feel the glucose enter my bloodstream.

It will take a while to return to the point I left in my fast, but I really don't think it's that big of a deal. Better safe than sorry, I think.

But back to my regime immediately, continuing until Thursday now, rather than Wednesday.

Some effects of my first 24 hours of my fast:

~skin immediately clearer
~lost 4 lb (that's only water weight so there's no need to get excited)
~a feeling of purification
~no hunger, a ton of cravings that are slowly disappearing
~meditating this morning was a new experience in that it felt more natural and my muscles relaxed with more ease
~whites of eyes very white

Yep. That's my morning so far. Will update in a few hours.

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