Thursday, September 3, 2015

Good Morning

I have decided that it will be impossible for me to write every time I visit a new place, because we do that so often here that I simply cannot keep up. I will write the important ones by and by, when I'm ready to. Apologies.

It's cold again in Strasbourg. After the unseasonable heat that swept through, the stickiness, the air is crisp again. Before yesterday, the city had an air of languidness and slowness, because the students were not home, and because of the heat. Now Strasbourg is filled again with the bustle of school children and their parents and college kids while the skies are gray. Now there is speed, and I mourn the way it was before. But there are many good things that come with briskness, and Summer always comes.

I sat in meditation this morning, with the lights off and the curtains drawn. Still through the curtains I can see the dim white square, glowing, from behind which the city lives. I can see shadowy figures even though my eyes are shut. They change the light, block it out for heartbeats at a time, and then are lost to me.

Madame is waiting with breakfast, so good-bye. I wrote only because it has been a while, and I did not want us to be strangers. Maybe tonight I will tell you about the river, or Lindau, or the Black Forest. But I cannot promise.

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