Thursday, April 30, 2015

Vegan Update: On Being in an Abusive Relationship with Oreos

I always thought that being vegan meant that everything would be hunky-dory after a while. I thought I'd get a rocking bod, cravings would evaporate, and my skin would clear right up.

I mean, that's kind of what happened.

But there are cycles. As with anything, life happens and sometimes it's hard to eat right and get enough sleep and all that jazz. People don't seem to realize that vegan is not necessarily synonymous with healthy. To give some perspective, Oreos are vegan but eat a roll or two of those and tell me you don't vomit sludge.

It's been over a year now, and I've found that I get on streaks of good habits and streaks of not so good ones. When I'm good, I don't retain water, my abs are somewhat visible (depends on the lighting amirite), my skin is clear, and I don't crave anything. But when I don't make sure I'm sufficiently carbed up, when I eat too much baked goods and not enough veg, I feel humongous.

That's another thing: when you abstain from junk food for a while, the desire to eat it eventually goes away. But then your friend talks you into eating a donut and at first it tastes and feels foreign. It's not even good, all sugary and artificial tasting. But you keep chewing- God knows why, perhaps it's instinctual- and then you remember how you used to crave this stuff. And you crave it again.

That's where I'm at right now. For months I haven't had to fight myself, haven't had to clench my hands into fists whenever I passed a bakery. Now it's like I'm back to square one. And the worst part is, I know that if I have too much my skin will break out, and I'll feel sick and bloated for hours. Days, even.

I just wanted to share. Moral of the story? Beware of junk's better not to cave at all, because it just leaves you wanting more. The industry actually formulates their nasty artery-clogging, diabetes-in-a-can, sugar-high junk to be addicting.

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