Thursday, April 10, 2014

You're Grounded

The strangest thing.  I have been sitting here, on dirt, for a while and before that, I was standing on it.  It's like I'm absorbing power through my bare feet.

I've heard the word "grounding" thrown around before.  In a physics class last year, in the videos of raw vegan foodies, on the lips of the random hippie that comes wandering my way.  Just kidding.  There aren't very many hippies where I live-either that or they're all in hiding from the rest of us ignoramuses.  Haha.

But I admit that I don't know a while lot about the subject.  My basic understanding tells me this: contacting the earth-the GROUND-with uncovered skin is beneficial, the idea being that as industrialization and urbanization pulled the human race forward. the opportunities we've had for communicating thusly with Mother Earth have dwindled.  I can't tell you if there's any actual merit to this, as I have done zero research.  I'm not a scientist-heck, I'm not known for my stellar common sense either-but I think I'm cabable of describing how it feels.

Feels great.

I stood, earlier, and drank my papaya-strawberry-banana smoothie, and looked out into my backyard.  It's a nice lot, just patchy here, and overgrown there.  Still mostly green, though.  I was standing in what used to be covered in grass but is now mostly dried, crusted-over dirt with a sprinkling of clover and crab grass.

Then, when my smoothie ran out, a whole blenderful of the stuff, I brought out a mason ar full of nettle tea.  You know, those big glass jars that come holding those "Classico" pasta sauces.

What? I'm not made of money, you know.

And by now that sun had come out again.  The crumbly dirt beneat the soles of my feet and between my toes, in my hands, the sun warming the spot bettween my shoulder blades, and my arms, my face, my neck...

I am not a scientist, therefore I cannot assess the scientific benefits of grounding.  I cannot even guarentee that I'm doing it right (again, zero research).  But as a human being, I am more than qualified to judge the spiritual benefits.

I feel tranquil, like I've considered every burden I've ever had to carry and made peace.  I feel strong, like I am unbreakable.  I feel brave, like I'll never be afraid again.  Above all, I feel healthy, and glad because of it.  It's not like I was any less healthy before I took my sandals off and danced like a five year old on a patch of dirt, but it's like now I'm able to appreciate it.  Now I'm aware of the human potential, the power in my limbs, the beauty of youth.  Even greater than that, the beauty of vitality.

So now, gladly, I sip at my nettles and wiggle my toes in the dusty earth.  My lungs expand with great breathes of warm, Spring air.

I guess I don't really give a hoot what scientists have to say; I don't care what Google might have told me, had I looked.  There must be something to grounding yourself because at least you're removing yourself from iPhones, microwaves, etc.  I think I'll be coming out here a lot more often, because now I feel regretful that I have to go.

If I get ringworm, though, I'm gonna be super pissed.

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