Sunday, August 18, 2013

Best Love Story Ever

I had a writing teacher once, whom I and my classmates were quite fond of.  Part of the reason must have been our light-heared camaraderie that sprung from his ability to tolerate our good-natured ribboning.  We used to heckle him quite a bit about his wife, whom I will rename as "May".  You see, "Daryll" was, in our minds, quite a romantic figure as well as a man of the world.  We were after him for ages to tell us their proposal story, which he finally did tell us, days before term ended.  


So here is the story.  Disclaimer: some things were changed.  

  "There is a time in your life when you will find yourself in a relationship.  And in every relationship there is a time, although you all might be too young to know about, where you either realize that you two will get married and be together for ever, or that things are going nowhere and you just need to break up."  At this point, Daryll literally had half of us in what I like to call H.S.F.C.C. (Hysterics Stemming From Cuteness Overload).  
    Then the dirty little bugger stomped on our hearts by continuing: "So May and I broke up." Now, we all cried out in our distress, but they clearly worked out their differences, seeing as Daryll was standing there, looking all smug and wearing a wedding band.
      (I am now going to pretend I'm Daryll, because I can't remember what he said, word for word)  So, kids, my friends wanted to cheer me up.  That's what friends do: meaning well while in actuality making a crappy day worse.   They took me bowling.  Here I am, on the worst day of my life, trying for their sakes to carry on like my heart wasn't broken.  There inevitably will be that one friend that makes everything ten times worse because he tries too hard to make you have fun.  This one friend-his name was Stephen-thought it would be a good idea to push me into a puddle of melted ice cream, just for kicks and giggles.  Yeah...math teachers are bad at jokes.  
    Anyways, there I was, now sopping wet and sticky, when my phone rang in my pocket.  Surprised that it was still functional (seeing as the phones back in the days were pretty much brick-like fossils, haha), I checked my messages to see that May had left me about eight messages.  She was all:

     "Daryll.  My U-Haul has a flat tire, and I have no idea where I am.  I hate to do this, but please come help me."

 Now, I'm a pretty nice guy, but I reeeeaaaaalllllly did not want to help her.  But like I said, I'm a pretty nice guy.  I drove to her, still in my sticky shorts, and found her drenched in sweat, courtesy of the Arizona sun.  I changed the tire for her, nodded awkwardly at her equally awkward thanks, and got into the U-Haul.  We made eye contact, and there was this moment.  ( Daryll pauses to let that sink in.  Everybody  flipped out) We were like: "Did we make a mistake? Were we too hasty?" So then I looked around and the only ring I could find was they U-Haul key, with that stupid key chain that says "You want quick? You want U-HAUL!".  So I put it on her finger.  Then the people back at the company made us give it back.  It didn't matter in the end because I wore my distant friend, Elvis Presley,'s ring and May wore her mother's.  

See? Wasn't that the best love story ever? That would be one rom com I would willingly see twice.

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