Monday, July 15, 2013

ACIS Trip 2015 (For the senior class of 2015)

     First of all, I would like to congratulate you at least for your curiosity, if not your desire to see the world.  Like I said in that really, really, excruciatingly embarrassing video I uploaded to YouTube, I was fortunate enough to be chosen to be 2015's student ambassador.  If you haven't and would like to, here it is:

       This is a great experience for so many reasons.  First of all, we'll all be going off on our separate paths to that elusive place called college! Going out and seeing how the other side of the world lives is an excellent way to broaden our minds and better equip us to handle the long and twisted road ahead.  It'll teach us to stop stressing over the little things and maybe even appreciate a more active lifestyle.  All of the things we learned in the classroom will be right in front of us! It blows my mind to even think about.  
    Something I didn't mention in the video is the possibility of a Facebook page.  Of course, that means that I'll have to make a Facebook page first, but we all have to make our sacrifices, I suppose.  Please tell your parents and your friends about it.  If you have a friend who might be interested but did not have either Mr. Casas or Ms. Tanaka as a teacher, let me know.  Or, if you would prefer to talk directly to Mr. Casas, his email is in the description box of the video above.
   If you do choose to go on this trip (as you should),please keep in mind that we will be guests in another country.  Please remember to be respectful of not only the natives' local treasures and museums, but also their privacy and customs.  Just as a general rule, most people outside of America and maybe the UK don't wear very short shorts, or crop tops, or anything like that.  It's not really a big deal, but let's not perpetuate any stereotypes about America, yes?  
     The legal drinking age in most of Europe is 16, and we will be given the privilege of a glass of wine or beer per dinner.  However the limit is one, and no drunkenness will be tolerated.  The point is to experience another country's culture a different way, not to overindulge.  Keep that in mind.  
     Also, there is a strict policy on showering and deodorant.  As in, if you don't use both in liberal doses, Casas may or may not throw you into a nearby lake.  Just kidding, but smelling bad is rude, when you have to share a hotel room and bus.  
    ACIS website:


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